"Fiona helped me and my dog Archie.. I really have noticed a huge difference in both his personality and his activity level since she did the healing. She told me alot.. a great deal of information. She even was available to answer all the questions I had. I am so thankful that she was able to connect with him. I love my dog so much and I would give him the world. He has saved my life TWICE in real life and now to learn he has also protected me! I am so blessed that she was able to help us and I am so unbelievably thankful. The change in Archie is HUGE! Thank you SO much! In love and light"
Positive mindset 2022
"Fiona has been a great healer in my life. I have had about 3-4 sessions with Fiona and they have excelled my life into the right direction with a positive mindset. It has felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders after my sessions. The heavy feeling for carrying around others emotions, and fragments that do not belong to me became a lot. Fiona was able to provide new techniques for clearing my mind and setting new intuitions for myself on my own time. I am grateful for her gifts. "

ANONYMOUS, Alberta, 2017
When our daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia, we informed close family friends including Fiona. Fiona felt she had been “called” to learn Reiki and other methods and upon hearing about our daughter, Fiona immediately knew the calling had happened for a reason- to help us and others.
Being that I was trained as a scientist, I have a natural skepticism about things like Reiki. But I also fully believe that there is positive and healing energy in the world and that some people have a gift to be able to harness this energy. After my correspondence with Fiona, I was very confident she could help our daughter.
The scientist in me was satisfied because our daughter was receiving excellent care using Western medical practice. We quickly took up Fiona’s offer to help us with Distance Reiki. The Reiki doesn’t replace traditional Western medicine rather augments it. Reiki also appealed to my belief in the power of positive thinking and energy healing (ancient cultures were on to things with the concept of the chakras and therapies like acupuncture). At the very least, we thought, “ It isn’t invasive… What the heck- it can’t hurt!”.
And it didn’t hurt- in fact I firmly believe that Fiona’s Distance Reiki greatly aided our daughter’s state of well being and recovery. I myself asked Fiona to do some Distance Reiki sessions for me and I must admit, I was shocked because I felt bathed in a cocoon of colour and energy for approximately 15 minutes- it was special and I felt invigorated. As I said, I had some initial doubts but I definitely felt the energy.
Fiona also provided very detailed reports of her Reiki observations. Where she felt energy blockages or low energy, how she worked through these areas. It was almost eerie sometimes- Fiona would give specific areas where she felt blockages or pain and it was exactly where our daughter or I was feeling discomfort or pain- and I had not shared that information with Fiona beforehand.
Similarly, the emotional blockages and issues encountered were also clearly identified in Fiona’s detailed reports.
I continue to be impressed by Fiona’s compassion, dedication, professionalism and real true hard work in all her Distance Reiki for our family, and specifically our recovering daughter. I have no hesitation recommending her services.” - Anonymous

D.S, 2018
"Dear Fiona,
It is time that I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for the 4 sessions of Forensic Healing I have had with you. I have been doing healing work since I was a teen, some 50 years ago. Puberty was such a difficult time for me that I became interested in psychology, just to understand why life seemed so difficult for me. Over the years I have healed many life times worth of karma, pain and persecution, but there were some areas that I could not access to heal or improve, regardless of the personal and profession work I did over the years. I became a Counsellor and a Coach and over 30 years of professional study and personal healing was able to come a long way, eliminating Depression and Anxiety (that had sometimes been debilitating). However, I still was burdened with some problems that puzzled me, and they became critical because my husband and I were continually taken advantage of financially by others in business to the point of almost losing everything. It was recurring and persistent to the point of absurdity, creating fear for our future, regardless of how responsible and careful we were.
After 4 Forensic Healing sessions with you, I feel lighter, and less stressed by life events that occur. I am experiencing a shift in financial areas that is making it easier for me in business. My sleep is more restful and I am able to sleep closer to 8-9 hours each night instead of 5 or 6. I am able to reach a peaceful state (like meditation), more easily and for longer, both in and out of meditation. I am able to shift negative thoughts to positive with ease, and am less burdened with worry.
Fiona, I KNOW deep within my soul that something huge has shifted. The energy around financial concerns has lost its charge and it is as if I have been unplugged from a FEAR around it. This is a huge relief. I am not a fearful person but when my livelihood is repeatedly threatened I begin to feel like one.
It has been such an awesome journey with you, doing forensic healing. Your space is inviting and safe and your manner is so sweet and supportive. You are an amazing Intuitive, and a delightful person to know. I am so grateful for your skillful guidance through the landmines of my psyche.
These are amazing breakthroughs, and I am so grateful.
With Love and light, "

L.R. Manitoba, 2020
"I was lucky to have met Fiona through my mother. Fiona is a kind hearted, well versed and educated healer. She was able to connect with me easily and give further explanations in all areas throughout my healing. Since my healing with Fiona, I have noticed that I physically feel lighter. A weight off my shoulders. She was able to provide me with lots of information before and after. I am grateful for Fiona and her gifts. I look forward to doing further sessions with her.”

Lauren, Ascension Psychology, California, 2017
Fiona is incredibly intuitive and tapped in. When she is in healing mode, she connects with the flow and gets information and passes on healings that weren't even planned. For instance, we were working on one thing and she says "oh and you don't have enough blood flow in your right shoulder, and 2 minutes later, my shoulder that has been stiff was released. I never even told her it was bothering me! Fiona has a lot of knowledge of technique combined with incredible intuition. She is a blessing to have in the healing community!" ...Lauren, Ascension Psychology 2017

Tannis Gauthier, BC, 2019
Testimony for Fiona
I was grateful to finally met Fiona in person, I had heard so many great things about Fiona from others and felt a connection with her before we had even met. I found Fiona to be soothing, gentle and very intuitive. Fiona is very compassionate and knowledgeable. She creates an environment that feels safe, comfortable and relaxing to learn in. Taking the Karuna classes with Fiona has enriched my life and was a wonderful experience. I learned a lot and especially enjoyed the hands on training for toning and chanting. I left feeling confident in myself and my abilities. I highly recommend attending Fiona’s classes, she is a gifted teacher and healer.
Tannis Gauthier

K. van der Valk, dynamite technician, BC, 2014
"Fiona's work was most accurate and executed with a grate deal of compassion and care, Well equipped with a wealth of knowledge heeps of experience and above all a keen intuition in her tool kit. I have a deep gratitude for Fiona's help in letting my story unfold void of expectations.
for me personally the symbolism of what she was saying and relaying very quickly started to rear its head in a freakishly accurate way that would have rattled me deep down if in some way I didn't already believe in myself and my role in the serendipitous nature of the world around me. It was so striking that it made it hard in my initial attempts to write a testimonial due to the fact that she was so well versed with my own life path with a broader more accurate scope then myself before I had ever uttered a word in regards to my journey. I worried that I would come off too "new agey" or because I found the experience so profound that the tasks of explaining it may take away from the readers future experiences or my own. I like to think I approached my first session with a nothing to lose open minded attitude not really knowing how holistic her craft was, my understanding was that a session was a little more... Topical but in fact I was in for a Jacques Cousteau adventure into self."

Client, BC, 2021
Thank you so very much for all you have been doing with and for [my pet] and me over the last couple of weeks. I so appreciate your awesome work, your attention to detail, and your diligence. But above all, I feel your abundance of love - what a gift.
I appreciate the report of today's session with little [my pet] - so good to know that she actually also feels better and there's nothing else pressing right now. I have been doing and will continue doing the [homework] for [my pet].
The work that all three of us have been doing is paying off - [ positive physical change]
.... you have been so amazing. Thank you VERY much, Fiona.
With gratitude,
Client, BC