Fiona is constantly evolving in her relationship with Source Energy. Learning to constantly check % Accuracy of information , resonating TRUTH, she has become Aware and Awake to 12 Dimensions and beyond in her search for healing, and her personal journey of soul and spirit.
All sessions are online until further notice.
Fiona is a Certified Holy Fire III Reiki Master and Karuna© Reiki Master Teacher since 2014 (registered with the Canadian Reiki Association, and affiliated with the International Centre for Reiki Training), servicing the Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody areas and the Metro Vancouver.
Fiona has a PhD in the sciences but has been aware of her strong intuition since she was a child.
In addition to the Reiki ªincluding Distance or Remote Reiki Healing) she does:
Forensic Healing™
Theta state healing
10th Dimensional Light Language Activations and symbols
Oracle card reading
Channeling of The All That Is, angels, archangels starbeings, and Ascended Masters, as well as the Divine Feminine Ascended Masters of the Sophia Code
Aura and Chakra Clearing
Property Clearing,
Receive Messages from past lives, power animals, intuitive messages from the body, and other Realms, shamanic journeying and guides
Akashic Record Healing/ Reading
Animal Healing (different system from Animal Reiki)
Animal Communication (dialogue, living or spirit)
Animal and Plant ThetaHealing®.
Tree Communication (Dialogue, living or in spirit)
She also holds a diploma in Forensic Healing ™ after 3 live training events with Marisa Russo, the founder, in Vancouver (November 2016) and Los Angeles in October 2017, and Belfast live online, including healing pathways of :
and now, awakening
Also completed a 30 day abundance Challenge
Is a certified Forensic Healing Essentials Instructor- for one-day live training events.
Contact Fiona if you are interested in hosting or participating in an online 1- day Essentials event !
See http://forensichealing.com/our-events
Check out some videos of amazing instant energy healings on the website and you tube!
Other healing modalities that can blend into an energy healing session with Fiona include DreamHealing, Aura Clearing, Shamanism and the 10th Dimensional Language of Masters of Light (Light Language).
Fiona also advises on Psychic Protection and Property Clearing.
Fiona has been gifted 3 other healing modalities through Spirit and one through the Arcturians.
In addition she has a constant field of over 5000 Hz of frequency (off the charts on the logarithmic David Hawkins Scale of Consciousness map through a powerful battery of anchored, aligned and Attuned crystals created through the Teachings of the White Tara (see below) .
Her healing room is equipped with Johnathon Goldman's I AM THAT I AM tuning forks (the sound Frequency of the Name of the Divine Source) and a earthing or grounding mat on the healing table.
She also has a positive energy vortex she created under the channeled guidance the White Tara in concert with Source which she received in August 2018. The Energy Frequency of this Positive Energy Vortex is an incredible 5228 Hz on the Hawkins Scale of Consciousness! (Calibrated by method of Etienne Charland).
Fiona is currently working on several new pathways for healing, updating constantly to her "healing toolkit" to keep up with the changing consciousness of the planet, all life on the planet, new generations and changing / evolving humanity. and evolving situation of the Covid 19.
Contact Fiona for an online session- Prices start at $125/ hour.
Fiona is constantly updating and building on her knowledge and experience. In the past this has included that of Reiki Holy Fire, Shamanism, drumming, art, intuition and psychic abilities including remote viewing, psychometry, telepathy, aura dowsing, cord cutting, meditations, tea leaf reading, ceromancy, crystal gazing, hydromancy, pendulums, and Tibetan healing bowls.
Today Fiona is exploring the different dimensions and is in constant communication with Source Energy.
She sees herself as Teacher, Healer and a woman on a mission of creating balance, empowerment, healing, peace, and spiritual advancement on the planet through being a conduit for Divine Source to work through her.
Recently she has "smashed through" a conscious barrier, accessing ancient memories, having clairvoyant visions, receiving greater Knowledge about the origins of the universe and having more and closer connections to other species in the Universe. She now has a much clearer vision of her soul purpose, life mission on the planet, service to humanity and the greater forces in the universe.
She also blends essential oils, writes prose and poetry and does art mostly with nature -inspired themes.
Please contact Fiona to book a session or for more information mossomcreekreiki@gmail.com.
Certified Angel Card Reader
Radleigh Valentine.
Reiki Master Practitioner , Certified by the Canadian Reiki Association
Member since : July 2013
My PAST Usui Reiki lineage was as follows:
Dr Makao Usui- who received enlightenment and brought Reiki back into living memory
Dr Chujiro Hayashi
Hawayo Takata
Phyllis Lei Furumoto
Pat Jack, Carrell Farmer, Cherie A. Prasuhn, Leah Smith
William L. Rand
Elizabeth A. Gilberg
Richard R. Rivard
Seann Watkins
Sylvia Boyd (Dyck)
Berna Morrison
Kay Passamare
Grace Talson
Fiona MacEachern
Today lineage is not important because Holy Fire (III) Reiki is channeled directly to the student from the 7th Heaven and above.
"I have done extensive reading on many different healing modalities, including Forensic Healing™, colour, aromatherapy, music, DNA, language of one’s body, DreamHealing, language and the power of the mind, intention and visualization, Law of Attraction, Past life regression therapy, diet and nutrition, methylation, epigenetics, role of the cerebellum, neurosculpting, movement therapy, how we learn, elements, the importance of water and its physiological role in the body, The Field (web of life), Shamanism and Prayer and Angel Therapy, Matrix Energetics, the role of the subconscious mind, and most of all, Reiki. Through all this, I am confident that Reiki is a subtle but powerful healing tool that seeks to heal for a person’s Highest Good, in a non- invasive, non -denominational, wholistic and safe way.
After all the reading and research, I concluded that there is a set of commonalities between many of these modalities which, in essence, includes meditation, visualization and intent, a positive or upbeat attitude, and gratitude for all the blessings in one’s life. Reiki encompasses and reinforces all of these aspects of healing."
Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki © Lineage:
Holy Fire III Reiki has no lineage as it comes directly from the 7th Heaven/ Source Energy.
ThetaHealing® Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Plant and Animal Seminar
In the course of my learning (when Forensic Healing led me to see Vianna Stibel's background in Scientology) I felt the need to define Creator the Consciousness with which I was connecting in ThetaHealing, and this led me to define Creator ON MY OWN TERMS with Creator as Pure Love Purity Oneness Highest Consciousness Omniscence Presence and in the same way define the clearings and healing as being done in the theta state of the brain (which I call Theta State Healing, and which has scientifically proven to be the best state for the brain to receive new information and to release that which is holding, one back, hampering, hindering or harming).
It is a powerful modality because the practitioner is receiving guidance from Source Energy every step of the way and labeling blockages that might be standing in the way of miraculous healing, so that they can be removed.
Akashic Records
Certified since November 2014
Animal Communication and Healing
Certified since 2015
Forensic Healing™ Principles, Energy, Physics, Emotions, Spirit, Soul.
Certified since October 2018
Forensic Healing Essentials Instructor
Certified since April 2019.
Belfast Forensic Healing ™ Live online May 2020